Weight Loss with Walking: Easy and Simple Way

If you want to lose weight walking, it’s important to understand how calories work. You can, of course, just spend an half-hour to an hour a day walking, and chances are you will lose weight if you are eating right. But when you have a plan, it is easier to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, so you can get the most efficient walks possible.

Benefits of Walking

  • One hour of brisk walking at 5 miles per hour, or 12 minutes per mile, burns 530 calories versus 480 from jogging. Surprised? In actuality walkers take more steps and use their arms more often, consequently exerting themselves more then runners. With the proper diet walking can have a serious impact on weight loss.
  • Walking one mile in 16 minutes lowers your cholesterol levels the same amount as running a mile in 7- 10 minutes.
  • Walking is easier on your joints. A walker’s foot lands with only 1.5 times the force of body weight. Running on average puts three times the force on your feet.
  • Walking is an equal opportunity form of exercise. Walking does not require athletic ability or a great deal of coordination. Everyone knows how to walk. It is a no-excuse form of exercise.

Walk for Weight Loss

Every exercise activity requires warming up. This allows your muscles to “wake up” and start receiving the blood they require and avoid injury. It also set the energy process to use body fat and not only sugars. Include some stretch and flexibility to make walking more comfortable. Stretches include calf stretches, Achilles stretches, leg extensions, hamstring extensions, hip stretches, quad stretches etc.

After walking, spend another 5-7 minutes slowing down from the exercise. Stretch some more and allow your muscles to cool slowly. Do not just stop suddenly.

Though walking for weight loss provides means to burn body fat, by itself, it is not a weight loss solution. Infact as opposed to what you have been taught cardio exercises like walking are not the best for losing body fat.

This is more so if you want to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach or even a six pack. To get a flat stomach you will need to Go Beyond Calories. To do this, you will need two things, just two things.

Not Just Walking in Park

Walking is easy: you can do it anywhere, anytime with no special equipment. There’s no learning curve and it’s something you can incorporate all day long. However, The Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Review featured a study about walking for exercise and found that only 26% of the people in the study walked briskly enough to achieve the intensity level recommended by the U.S. surgeon general. So, how do you know when you’re going fast enough? Use the checklist below to make your walking workout more effective.

Useful Tips

  • People with infectious diseases are recommended not to walk. They require rest buy generic levitra as rest is the most powerful medicine and in one way they are preventing the spread of infection by shunning themselves from community walk programs.
  • Always do a warm up before walking as it’s a must for any form of exercise. You can do neck exercises, shoulder rotation, chest expansion, hip rotation before you start walking.
  • Swing your hands from the initial position of bending your elbows. [ as if you are running] that is elbows bend at 90 degrees to the body. the rate of swinging can be increased moneygram minnesota saint paul as you increase the speed.
  • Take short steps. If you tend to take larger steps you will get tired soon and the steady pace of burning fat is not well achieved.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that support the arc of your foot. The heel should be a bit raised. Strictly avoid pointed heel foot wares. This is in no way doing justice to your posture.
  • Do consult with your doctor before starting the regimen. Heart patients, people suffering from debilitating diseases, arthritis should definitely consult their physician before wearing their walking shoes.
  • Keep your body straight while buy amoxicillin walking.
  • You will be swinging your hands well while walking.
  • Hydrate yourself before walking. After walking too drink enough water
  • If you are habituated to long hour walk definitely take a bottle of water along with you.
  • If you go out in the sun do apply sunscreen lotion.
  • There is a set pace for walking. There are three phases in walking.


You need to keep your body properly ‘fuelled’ during a day’s walking. If you’re walking as a way of losing weight, you should try to get the energy your body will need from high-carb, low-fat foods.

So these are great options for your lunchbox:

  • Try fresh fruit, dried fruit, chicken or tuna sandwiches, malt loaf, scones, fruit juice or jaffa cakes.
  • Chocolate has a high fat and sugar content (1 x 49gm bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk contains 255 Calories) – but for some (me!) it can provide a huge psychological boost. Add it to your lunch box in small amounts – but consider eating the dark variety which is considered to be generally the healthier option.

After walking, try to re-hydrate first – ideally with water or some other low-cal/calorie-free drink. This is important for two reasons:

a) to replace fluids lost throughout the day and

b) to reduce the desire to eat large amounts immediately which may be a response to low fluid levels.