Acne treatment is a multi-million dollar business these days. There are entire sections of your local pharmacy and grocery store devoted to the latest greatest acne treatments. In fact a good portion of many dermatologist patients are there because of acne and acne treatments. You could spend quite a chunk of change just trying to get rid of these pesky little spots. Or you could try some of these homemade acne treatments instead and pocket the difference.
Homemade acne treatment
Water is one of the most commonly used homemade remedies for acne scars. Water is the essence of our skins health and it becomes even more important when you are trying to reduce acne scars. It helps the skin to clean the toxins, create new skin cells and preserve elasticity. For adult person it is recommended to drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water every day in order to preserve healthy and fresh skin.
Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is another homemade acne treatment that seems to pop up every time acne home treatments are mentioned. The gel inside the plant can easily be applied and generally has a strengthening and healing effect on skin. What’s more, it has been proven to help reduce scarring, redness, swelling, and essentially all the ugliest results of acne. What this home acne treatment will not do is prevent or cure acne. If the goal is to reduce scarring or improve the overall health of skin, by all means buy a plant or an aloe based cream, but leave the acne solutions to real medicines.
Lemon can be used when we have dark acne scars that are visually even more unattractive. After you clean your skin with fresh watter use cotton ball and dip it in the lemon juice. Softly apply the juice to acne scars and leave it on for 10 minutes, then clean it of with watter. You have to be aware that by using lemon juice your skin becomes photosensitive therefore you have to protect the treated spots with cream when they are exposed to the sun.
This is very common vegetable and almost all of us have it at home. So how to treat acne scars with tomato? Cut fresh tomato in small pieces and put it on the scar you want to treat. Leave the tomato on for few minutes and the remove it. Repeat this twice a day for several days and acne scar will be reduced.
Acne scars can cause the skin to lose its flexibility and elasticity. You have help your skin to regain flexibility by applying small amounts of olive oil on your scars. Olive oil includes the much needed moisturizing nutrients that will moisturize and soften your skin.
Fruits are basic component for healthy body because by eating them we get a lot of neccessary vitamins. Eating fresh fruits will improve the health of our skin by providing the much needed vitamin C which helps to produce collagen for elastic skin. Not only that fruits have to be included on our daily menu, you can also apply fruits directly to acne spots for external treatment. Just use some previously mentioned lemon juice and apply it to acne spots for 5-15 minutes then wash it off. Apart from lemon juice one commonly used home acne remedies is pineapple juice which contains ascorbic acid that will help fade pimple marks.
Honey & apples
Other homemade acne treatments involve the usage of honey with apples where grated apple is mixed with honey and this paste needs to be made to dry on the face for a stretch of 15- 20 minutes after which warm water should be used to wash it off. This procedure can be followed twice or thrice a week depending upon the skin type of the person in question.
Baking soda
Probably you are not aware that baking soda is used in some cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments and other products. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of filtered water and apply the mixture on your acne scars for one minute and then gently remove it from your skin. You have just made your first baking soda acne cream, use it for a few days and see if it helps.
Mint juice
Easy way to reduce acne scars is by applying mint juice to the scar for few minutes so it sinks in the skin than slowly wash it off. Repeat this every morning for some time and you will see how effective is this homemade acne scar remedy.
Yogurt is highly effective for treating acne as it consists of the vital nutrients for healthy body and skin. Yogurt consists of vitamins and minerals that play an active role in healing our skin and creating a tough immune system. We can apply yogurt topically as acne reducing mask or consume it orally and provide our body with the much needed nutrients that will help to reduce our acne. Read more on how to use yogurt for treating acne.
Honey and cinnamon powder
This are quite common and very successful home remedies for acne. Honey has many ingredients that improve our skin and can be used to treat acne and acne scars. For a better effect you should mix honey and some cinnamon powder and apply that mixture to acne spots before you go to sleep. During the night your skin will slowly absorb the mixture and reduce acne spots. In the morning wash the mixture from your skin and repeat the procedure for 10-14 days, during that time your acne spots will heal and acne scars will be reduced.
Apart from having a great diet and applying magical concoctions it is important for you to have a daily intake of vitamins. Tests carried out by experts have proved that an intake of five thousand international units of vitamin A each day can actually decrease pimples. Vitamin B6 makes the skin more tenacious and consequently reduces the chances of a pimple outbreak. Zinc, in mild doses, if taken before an outbreak, can prevent acne from happening.
Egg white
You can make a simple facial mask with the white of one egg. Simply apply it to the skin and leave to dry. You will find it tightens the skin while drying and may be uncomfortable, but try to avoid the temptation to pick at it. It is rare that people have a bad reaction to egg white masks but you should still test. Of course, if you are allergic to eating eggs, do not use this mask.
Reported results from users include glowing skin and tighter pores, plus less scarring and some reduction in acne breakouts if used regularly. For this reason it is one of the most popular homemade acne treatments. Like any drugstore acne product, all of these homemade acne treatments need to be used regularly in order to be effective.