The unwanted marks and spots left by acne or pimples have now become such a common phenomena. Acne can leave scars, hyper-pigmentation and bruising on the face and other body areas, causing emotional distress for acne sufferers. Acne marks can be just as embarrassing as acne itself.
Natural acne spot treatments don’t contain harsh chemicals such as alcohol that’s found in over-the-counter beauty items. Natural home remedies are one of the many ways to get rid of the spots left by acne. There are many ways to get rid of these ugly spots and marks using kitchen products. Here follow these useful acne spots removal tips.
Natural Acne Spots Removing with Home Remedies
- Baking soda is a very good exfoliate. It gently exfoliates your skin and leaves it smooth and silky. A version of baking soda is used in the microdensitometer treatment.
- To stop acne spots drink coconut water empty stomach every day, if you have a heat body then it cools down the body from inside and also cleanses from inside.
- Cucumber juice is another home remedy to lighten dark acne marks. Crush a cucumber in muslin or other light cloth and squeeze the juice out. Apply directly to the clean acne mark and surrounding skin area with a cotton ball or swab. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.
- Honey and milk have antimicrobial and cleansing properties helpful in quelling acne. Milk and honey helps give skin a glowing appearance. Dab onto pimples and blemishes and leave on overnight. This spot treatment is safe to use daily.
- After exfoliating your skin with baking soda, massage a pea-sized amount of olive oil onto your face. The moisturizing nutrients in the olive oil will penetrate the skin to deeply moisturize the skin and soften the skin’s texture.
- Aloe vera and vitamin E have skin-softening properties, and combined they heal and rejuvenate the skin. Mix the contents of a vitamin E capsule with an equal amount of aloe vera and apply daily.
- Eating fresh fruits and vegetables to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
- Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.
To be successful at fading and healing your acne scars at home, you just need to plan in advance. Do it consistently and you will see and improvement in your scars.