Those with sensitive skin are the most afflicted by acne and other skin conditions. Sensitive skin often reaches a balance of oils and moisture and then is stays in that balanced condition almost precariously. Should even the slightest change occur, and that sensitive skin is at risk of flare-ups, acne breakouts and redness or irritation.
Your sensitive skin requires even greater conditioning and care if you’re looking for an acne sensitive skin treatment. In the case of sensitive skin, the acne solutions start with things as simple as how you touch your face and the ingredients in your bar of soap.
- Avoid over-the-counter acne remedies that depend on large amounts of benzoyl peroxide, alpha-hydroxy-acid (AHA) and beta-hydroxy-acid (BHA). These three chemicals are often used in high percentages in many commercial acne treatments and work by using acids to increase exfoliation in the skin. Individuals with sensitive skin may react to high amounts of these chemicals with redness, tingling and a burning sensation. This may actually aggravate acne in some individuals.
- Avoid skin cleansers with physical exfoliates such as peach pits or sand. These will simply irritate your sensitive skin and make your acne more red.
- Use a soothing, gentle cleanser made with castille soap. Castille soaps are made using pure vegetable oils, are slightly moisturizing, and are gentle enough for sensitive skin.
- Wash your face just twice a day (morning and evening). Washing more often than this may dry out your skin and irritate your sensitive skin while increasing your skin’s oil output, thereby potentially increasing your acne. If your face feels greasy between washes, use a tissue to blot oil and rinse your face with water.
- Treat acne using an acne treatment that is based on salicylic acid. This is one of the more gentle chemicals that can be used in a low enough percentage to not aggravate sensitive skin. Find a salicylic acid-based treatment that is combined with a moisturizer or lotion to help sooth sensitive skin and protect your skin from becoming dry (a common side effect of acne treatments).
- Supplement a salicylic acid treatment with a natural acne treatment. Many individuals find that natural acne remedies help sooth sensitive skin and increase the effectiveness of salicylic acid. Commonly used ingredients include witch hazel (as a soothing skin toner) and aloe vera (to help heal acne scars).