Unique, Awesome Nails Care Tips and Guidelines

{SCA} The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin. A protein is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nail care help protect the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma and also help us pick up small objects.

Here are some awesome, natural, unique expert advice and guidelines about nail care so they will look beautiful and stay looking fresh longe.

Why Won’t Nails Grow

Unless you have some type of medical condition that prevents it, your nails are growing. On average, your nails grow about 1/8 of an inch per month. The reason why most people’s nails don’t seem to grow is because they break before they see results. Many people bite their nails, rip them off, others tend to shed or peel. They best way to see results is to start a healthy nail program with your nail technician.

What Can You Do About Ridges in Nails

Actually, nothing. If you’ve always had them, you always will. If you never had them before and just started to notice them, one reason could be stress or simply the fact that you’re getting older. As we get older the nails on our hands & toes become ridged. In order to get a
smooth polish application just GENTLY buff the nail surface with a white block buffer, remove the dust, apply a ridgefiller base coat, two coats of polish, and finally a topcoat.

What Causes Finger Nail Damage

File nails when the white part of the nail tip has grown 1/4″ from the pink part of the nail. Filing nails before the nail is 1//4″ long can weaken the nail. Allowing the nail to grow to a length longer than the base pink nail length will be sure to make them break easily. Nail files from side to side would weaken nails. When filing, go from the corner to the center in one direction. Follow the groove on the side of your nail.

The nail can be damaged by nail-biting, scratching the nail folds, bad manicuring , or trauma such as slamming a finger in a car door. Damaged nails may appear ridged or cracked and broken. If they do not appear “normal” after about one year, then most likely the nail matrix has been damaged and the nail will never be normal again.

What is Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a hereditary disorder which most commonly affects the skin on the elbows, knees, face, and even the scalp with a rash like appearance. In the finger nails, psoriasis may appear as pits in the nail plate, or as the nail plate separating from the nail bed (onycholysis). Other symptoms include the nail loosing its normal luster, appearing discolored, or grossly thickening.

Apply two coats of polish. You should be able to cover the nail in three stokes, one on each side and then one in the middle.

Buffing Nails

Buffing nails can give them a shinier finish. Start at the cuticle and work your way down to the tip with medium pressure. Don’t use a back and forth movement as heat builds up and this can damage your nails. Continue lightly until all ridges on the nail surface have disappeared.

Base Coat: Always use a Base Coat and let it dry for at least 1 minute. The Base Coat helps to keep nail polish from chipping and makes polish last longer.

Drying Time: Always allow your polish to dry thoroughly for several minutes before you apply the next coat. This will avoid the new coat from dragging on the surface of the previous coat and allow the next layer adhere better. Darker shades take longer to dry. Avoid fast drying polish. It does not last as long.

Top Coat: Once your nail polish has dried, apply a clear Top Coat to seal it. Continue to apply the Top Coat daily to keep nails looking fresher longer.