Nails are the most attractive part of the body. When you take care of your nails properly your fingers look really attractive and well shaped. But it is really difficult to care of long nails. Your care depends on the type of nails you have. Those who have really weak nails they need to take extra care. So to take care of your nails here are some home care tips to be kept in mind:
Long Nails Care Tips
Nails are most attractive part of the body. When you take care of nails properly your fingers look really attractive and well shaped. But it is really very difficult to care of long nails. Your care depends on type of nails you have. Those who have weak nails they need to take extra care. So to take care of the nails here are some home care tips to be kept in the mind:
Oil Treatment
Many people are seen complaining about their nails being brittle and the skin cracking around the edges. You can simply massage your nails with Olive Oil every day. It will keep your skin moisturized and make your nails stronger. Jojoba Oil is great for cuticles and can be used to. In fact, you can use your choice of oil and dip your nails in it for some time regularly.
Your cuticles are protective barriers that keep bacteria away from your nail beds, so keep them clean and moisturized! Gently push them back with an orangewood stick at least once a week, but never, EVER cut or trim them.
Get Professional Manicure Once in a Month
It is important that you get your manicure regularly as this will help the nails to remain in good shape and they will be cleaned properly by the manicurist.
Yellowing Nails
To remove the yellow and pale color off your nails, get some baking powder and put it on the brush tip, then rub your nails with it. You can also brush your nails to whiten them by using strawberries and lemons as substitutes for toothpaste. But because these things will lead to dryness, moisturize properly after you are finished.
Eat Proteins and Vegetables
For healthy and strong nails it is necessary to take proper proteins and also proper vegetables which provide nutrients for the nails.
Drink lot of Water
Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water that will give moisture to your skin and nails.
Massage Your Nails and Cuticles with Oil Daily
The oil will keep your hands in great condition, while the massage stimulates nail growth! And you thought your feet were the only thing that needed rubbing…how about that?
Use Nails Strengtheners
Use Nails Strengtheners Nails are very tender and very delicate part. They can very easily break if not strengthen properly. So use Nail Strengthens especially if you have very weak nails.
Use Your Nails as Tools
This means don’t punch keyboards, press phone keys, open soda tabs, or do anything else with your nails that can be better accomplished with something in a toolbox or a junk drawer.
Keeping your nails dipped in milk can be very beneficial for your nails and will act as the perfect manicure. This is because it will moisturize them and help prevent chipping.
Moisturize Them After Every Wash
Use proper moisturizer when you get your hands washed because your hands become dry when they come in contact with water and soap so of course nails will also become dry. Try n get them moisturize after every wash.
These are the points which can help in nail care. You really need to very careful in case of nails. If they are damage then it will take long time to get cure and it is long process of treatment when it comes to nails.