{SCA} Nausheen Shah Background
Nausheen Shah is a beautiful hot model in Pakistan fashion industry. She belongs to a sayyid family. When nausheen revealed her interest in becoming a model, her family especially her mother retorted greatly. Her mother was more concerned with what the extended family would have to say to it. Her father and brothers had no issues with what Nausheen chose for herself. So, even that didn’t go so bad for a starter, which is quite contrary to many models out there.
Nausheen has been on and off seen on ramps, yet she has appeared more in commercials, which according to herself, is where she enjoys being more. Her most popular ad campaigns include Warid Telecom, Habib Bank and First Women’s Bank. With Nausheen busy with acquiring project after project, her education has sort of taken a back seat. Interestingly, she has only reached the intermediate level of education. If Nausheen had not opted for acting and modelling then she would have opted for being a designer. Desiging is her second best interest. Nausheen is still in the primary years of her career where choosing the best offer can take her to heights and a wrong step can destroy it all.
Pakistani Model Nausheen Shah Pics Gallery