Shriya had a severe hair fall problem. Every time she saw a broken strand of hair she would press the panic button. Bathing time was an ordeal. She would not want to look at the drain to find her fallen hair in circles. She tried several hair products, changed her shampoo, followed some hair tips but her hair fall worsened day by day. Finally her grandmother’s recommendation came to her rescued her. Her granny started giving her a head massage withalmond oil twice in a week and her hair fall reduced remarkably, making her hair healthier and long.
Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E and is beneficial in many ways. Almonds are treasures of some essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium. Almonds have high contents of fats. Raw almond oil enhances the taste of the food including salads, grains and toasts. Besides being a nutritious food, almonds have many cosmeticbenefits. Almond oil is pale yellow in colour and it is extracted from almond kernels. Apart from vitamin E it also contains vitamin D and other nutritious components.
Almond Essential Oil
Almond oil is cold pressed from the seeds of almonds. This light oil has similar properties to that of olive oil when it comes to moisturizing and thermal protection. The oil comes in two forms, bitter and sweet. Each form is suitable for use on the hair and performs the same for healthy hair growth.
Almond Oil for Hair
The reason that almond is used for the purpose of extracting oil is that it contains about 54% of oil. The large percentage of oil with in the almonds, possesses many medical properties. There are three basic types of fats and fatty acids that are found in the almond oil. The first type of fat that is the mono-unsaturated Oleic acid, is an Omega-9 fat. The almond oil basically contains about 78% of this fat. Almond oil also contains about 17% of essential fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated and belong to the Omega-6. This oil also contains very small amounts of super-unsaturated Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Almond oil for hair is many a times recommended by many hair experts due to some of it’s very good properties especially, when it comes to having a good combination of different types of fats that have been mentioned above. The composition of fats and fatty acids is very beneficial for almost all types of hair as it proves to be very nourishing, and softens and strengthens the hair. The almond oil also proves to be a very good cleansing agent. If you apply almond oil on your hair a few hours before you go for a bath, the sticky fats on the oil absorb and collects the particles and the particulates of dust and pollution that have entered your hair. Eventually, when you wash your hair, the whole mixture of oil and dirt gets washed off effectively cleansing your hair and your scalp.
There is another very good advantage of using almond oil for hair. The almond oil can be effectively used as an emollient and tends to soothe your skin. As an emollient, almond oil also tends to have a very stable and neutral state once applied. This oil very rarely turns rancid. The combination of fatty acids also makes almond oil a very sweet smelling oil that gives off a rather heavenly aroma.
Almond oil has been used for many centuries, even before it’s spread as a commercial agro-product. Two very old books that are based on medicine, namely the Ayurveda and Tibb Yunani, recommend it as the best hair oil for the source of Vitamin E and monounsaturated fat, which when applied regularly on the scalp, tend to boost intelligence and fast thinking. Not only is almond oil beneficial for hair, it also boosts complexion and cleanses the forehead and facial sweat pores. Many clauses in the ‘Ayurveda’ actually recommend almond oil for hair growth.
Almond oil, as with any other hair product can only promote hair growth; it does not make hair grow. For serious hair loss issues such as those caused by serious health illnesses, medications, and even scalp damage, consult a doctor for treatment. In addition, if you are allergic to nuts, almond oil may also produce an allergic reaction on your skin and scalp. If an allergic reaction should develop, stop using the almond oil and consult a doctor immediately.