Different people have different types of hair. While some have straight and silky hair, there are other who have wavy and curly hair. Hair should be stylized according to hair type. When you have curly hair, you need to look after it properly to stop it getting dry and frizzy. If you have the patience then you can blow dry it straight everyday, and/or use straightening irons on it, but if you do this then you have to take special care to keep your hair well conditioned and protect it from the heat.
Curly Hair Care Tips
Hair Cut
You would need a hair cut every 4 to 6 weeks. Firstly, because a bit of unbalance in the hair length, looks a disaster is the hair is curly. Secondly, constant cutting of hair will not allow your hair ends to curl which makes the hair look shorter than it’s actual length. It is advised to cut curly hair in layers than in any other pattern. Layers make it easier to handle.
The most important step of curly hair care is to avoid washing it everyday. The best way to keep your curls healthy is to retain natural oils. Hair wash should be limited to twice a week and with a mild shampoo with a moisturising content. Moisturiser reduces hair tangles and prevents it from being frieze. Curly hair needs a lot of conditioning. Always use conditioner after hair wash. Part your hair into two and then apply the conditioner. It is a good idea if you massage your hair with the conditioner.
Once in a month to go for deep conditioning, is a good idea. The day you are not washing your hair, spray your hair with conditioning agent. Never leave the house without dampening your hair. It prevents tangles.
There are many hair styles for curly hair but you need to take care of the fact that your styling should not be tangling the hair. Hair styling agents has chemicals which can make your hair dry, thus, before applying any styling agent, apply some moisturisers to your curls. This will prevent it from being dry.
Your comb plays a very important role in the process of your curly hair care. You should never brush your hair but comb it with wide toothed combs. These combs makes combing easy and also to untangle your hair. Comb your hair from the roots to the tips. If your hair is tangles, then first moisten it with oil or moisturiser, leave it for sometime. This will soften the hair and allow you to untangle it easily.
Sleeping Time
Never leave your hair open while going off to bed. Tie it up into a loose plat. This is helps not to tangle and also prevent hair fall.
Curly Hair Tips For Nourishment
Hair Routine For Curly Hair
Prior to deciding a hair routine it is essential to determine whether your hair is coarse, dry, oily straight, curly or rough. It also enables you to determine what kind of a cut is best suited as per your hair texture. Curly hair can either be a blessing or a curse depending upon how well it is looked after. Naturally curly hair is considered to be beautiful provided you treat it with care and maintain its natural shine and bounce. The biggest problem faced with this type of hair is dryness. Over worked and under nourished curls tend to frizz, lack luster and bounce. Curls can also get out of control quite easily therefore, it is important to use appropriate hair products in order to control these problems.
One of the basic curly hair tips is that you must keep experimenting with your hair in order to make it look beautiful and appealing. Curly locks are great when properly styled and cared for. Heat opposes moisture. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you stay away from hair straighteners, blow driers, crimpers etc. While going out in the sun you must cover your hair with a scarf, hat or cap in order to reduce the exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. Wash your hair only a few times a week and use a mild shampoo embodied with humectants. Oil treatment of the scalp using olive oil, aloe oil, coconut oil is recommended. This improves the condition of frizzy hair and gives the curls a natural sheen. Protein rinse is also a great option to tackle this problem.
A regular scalp massage work wonders for curly hair. It nourishes and strengthens the hair and increases the blood circulation enabling you to fight split ends and frizz. A fifteen minutes scalp massage to the scalp twice a week before shampooing must form a part of your hair care routine.
This adds brilliance and sparkle to all types of hair. Natural oil secreted by the scalp helps keep the hair glossy. However, curly hair is usually dry and frizzy and lacks enough natural oil. Therefore, it is important to condition it on a regular basis in order to the bind the moisture and oil content. Conditioning helps remove the tangles and makes it easier to manage and style the curly locks.
Hair Trimming
Well groomed, glossy hair depends on the combination of the cut and the condition of the hair. You must go in for getting your curls trimmed at least once in three months to enhance the style and the condition of your hair. Regular trimming takes care of split ends and gives the hair a thicker and healthier look. You can set your hair in a number of directions by using appropriate lotions and sprays for curls. Sprays work like lacquer and can be used for short as well as long cuts.