Whether you have long hair or short, curly or straight hair, every woman’s dream is smooth, silky and healthy hair. But unfortunately everyone does not have his or her dream hair. While some women already have beautiful soft glowing hairs, others are still struggling to get one and that is why several formulas and daily routines have been introduced to help those who are struggling.
Products available in the market contain chemicals which do more harm than good in the long run. So how do you combat all these problems while still keeping hair healthy and strong? Here are some useful homemade hair treatments you can save money on by making them in the comfort of your own kitchen to fix any type of hair problem:
Best Homemade Hair Growth Treatments for Women
- Eggs work wonders on your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and proteins which greatly acts in moisturizing while the white helps to remove unwanted oils. Use egg to condition normal hair, egg yolks for dry hair and whites for oily hair. Remember to rinse with lukewarm water only!
- Dry hair tips comes in many options but one of the oldest and most suggested is the use of essential oils.
- Soak dried amla in water overnight. Use this water to rinse hair. Amla is a known hair tonic and a hair nourisher. It also promotes hair pigmentation, which makes the hair dark.
- Boil the water with potato and remove the potato and take the potato boiled water. Rinse your hair with this potato boiled water after you shampoo. Use a fresh potato boiled water.
- Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoon of Castor Oil. Apply the mixture on your hair and then cover it with a wrapper for about 15 to 30 minutes. When the set time is over, wash off the mixture with mild shampoo. This also serves as a good home made conditioner.
- Home beauty experts swear by avocado. Its oils and proteins contain the best combination of nutrients for smoothing and weighing down unruly hair.
- Brown Sugar: One of the most common hair problems is dandruff. Treat it effectively at home by mixing 2 parts of brown sugar to 1 part of your hair conditioner and lightly rub it on your scalp. Rinse off thoroughly.
- Once a month try a hot oil treatment, which will lubricate dry scalp conditions as well as moisturize brittle black hair.
- Boil the onion (pieces), garlic and cinnamon together for 15 min. then strain this liquid and use this liquid to rinse your hair. Use this remedy for continuously 4 days. It will give goo result.
- Cucumber: Add one egg into 3 teaspoons of olive oil, then mix it with a few mashed cucumber peels and apply it to your hair. Let it stay for 15 minutes before you wash off with shampoo.
I hope these tips help you all in getting and maintaining your hair, so it can be the healthiest hair you can have. Try these effective and simple hair packs for soft, smooth and healthy hair. Till then take care and keep it stylish!!!