These days, thanks to all the hair removal techniques available, unwanted facial hair should not be a problem for women. If you want a permanent solution and are prepared to pay more money up front, there’s a choice of electrolysis or laser hair removal. Alternatively, there are several non-permanent methods such as waxing, sugaring, tweezing or the use of depilatories. These treatments can be received in a beauty salon or performed in the comfort of your own home.
Almost every woman has some amount of hair on her face. One should have no problem with facial hair as long as it is unnoticeable. However, in some women, there is a dense growth of facial hair, especially around the eyebrows, chin, upper lip, jaw and forehead. This hair comes in the way of having a great look. If you are tensed over the growth of facial hair, we bring you the best ways to get rid of them. From amongst them, you need to select the one that suits you and use it to see the remarkable difference. Read through the below tips and get a complete idea on facial hair removal for women.
What Causes Facial Hair for Women?
While not as inclined to it as men, it’s certainly not unheard of for women to have facial hair. Some women are genetically predisposed to growing facial hair, especially those from Middle Eastern or Eastern European countries. Additionally, a hormone imbalance can drastically affect the amount of female facial hair. As a woman ages there are many opportunities for these hormonal imbalances to occur: puberty, pregnancy and even menopause.
Excessive facial hair can be more than a nuicance though, it can sometimes be a symptom of an unfortunate medical issue. Polycystic ovarian syndrome or adrenal tumors are not unheard of, and are as troubling as they sound. You’ll likely see a considerable amount of facial hair with either of these issues. Only your doctor knows for sure, so if you are concerned about either of these items please get checked out!
Removing Facial Hair in Women:
Each hair follicle is treated in turn, using a tiny needle that reaches the hair root and applies a low electric current. This destroys the hair’s ability to continue growing. Although this treatment can take a long time (some people require several hours of treatment while other people may need regular treatment for several months) it is permanent and is the most reliable long term hair removal option.
On the negative side, the treatment creates mild discomfort and can cost a substantial amount. For example an upper lip may take up to 10 hours, while the chin area can take up to 15 hours. And these figures can be increased substantially for people who have strong hair growth and high hormone levels.
Laser Hair Removal:
This is the newest form of hair removal. It uses low intensity lasers to remove hair. The laser is drawn to the pigment of the hair and destroys that hair. It can be mostly pain-free but this will highly depend on you and your skin. You may experience redness or slight swelling.
This treatment is the most expensive of all treatments, but if you are removing facial hair, you may get it all done in one treatment. If you are removing hair on your legs, you may have to go back several times. Unlike electrolysis, which only targets one hair at a time, laser removal can remove up to a hundred or more in one shot.
The popularity of this facial hair removal technique is down to the fact that it doesn’t cost much and can be done in the comfort of your own home. There are hundreds of waxing and sugaring kits available for home use and with a little practice it’s possible to achieve fairly professional results for a fraction of the salon cost.
The basic idea is simple. Waxing involves applying the wax preparation to the intended area. The wax adheres to the hair and skin. It’s then covered with a thin strip of material and removed at high speed to remove all the hairs from the skin.
Sugaring is similar, although the sugar paste only adheres to the hair and not the skin, which can cause less pain when the strip is pulled off. Sugaring pastes also tend to be more natural which can be kinder to the skin than many of the chemical which are used in various wax preparations.
Tweezing & Threading:
You can remove the tiny hair follicles effectively by tweezing. It is advisable to use face-wash before tweezing, as it will make the soft skin and help in easy removal of the hair. Tweezing is done by using a pair of tweezers. Threading is another convenient method, especially for the eyebrows, upper lip and lower chin. Threading is done by rolling a piece of thread on the unwanted hair.
However, both tweezing and threading require good amount of time and also a lot of practice to get it in the right way. The hair shaft needs to be big enough to be effectively removed by this process. Generally, hair does not grow for 2-6 weeks after tweezing and threading, depending from person to person.
Depilatories use calcium hydroxide, calcium or sodium thioglycolate, which remove the hair by dissolving it. Normally, the hair grows back in few days, as it is removed only from the surface in this process. Take care that you apply a patch of the depilatory on a small portion of your face first and see if it is causing any skin allergy or irritation. In case you notice such things, discontinue the process immediately.
Use bleach for the darker hair on your face. Bleaching reduces the dark color of the hair and makes it blend with the color of the face. As a result of this, the hair becomes least noticeable. The bleach has to be repeated more than one times, to get the satisfactory result. However, beaching is ineffective for dense hair, like that present in upper lip, forehead and neck area.