Not all women are open about it, but it is something they are concerned with everyday female facial hair. Why do you have to have it? While there are many treatments available, some have proven to be painful and expensive. Many people aspire for silky smooth features and believe that a face free of facial fuzz is much more attractive than one with it. Hair removal has been practiced for thousands of years in the majority of all human cultures though the methods used for facial hair removal vary among times and regions.
If you’re facing a similar problem, you can only blame the same hormone that caused it in the male species. A hairy female face is not considered a feminine attribute in our society that is why, from the ancient times, women have been fighting the nature to please the beauty standards. There are several products in the market today that claim to remove facial hair, but before you try a new method, make sure it is the best and most effective method for you.
Things You’ll Need:
- Thread, beautician’s wax or tweezers
- Facial hair bleaching product
- Facial hair removal cream
- Moisturiser
- Conditioner
- Assorted make-up
- Dianette
Getting Rid of Female Facial Hair:
From the ancient times, women have tried many methods of hair removal like hot honey and tree saps. Today it is sharp razors, soft creams and hot wax, all having the same goal of trying to remove them. Below are some useful and new methods you can use if you are also struggling with the same problem.
You may be one of those who think that shaving will only make your facial hair darker and thicker. That thought should no longer be entertained because what makes your facial hair look darker and thicker is the newly-cut hair tip. The tips of your newly-cut facial strands look thicker and darker.
Women may have heard it before – shaving will only make their hair grow darker and thicker. Then again, it is high time for women to know that this is just a myth. As the razor cuts the hair’s tip, it may look darker and thicker. In reality though, the tip has just become flat, so the hair looks fuller and thicker.
Although waxing is mainly used for eliminating hair on other parts of the body, facial waxes have also been introduced in the market. They are available in the form of waxing strips and can be applied easily on your face. The result obtained is often cleaner and smoother skin.
Since upper lip hair can be due to genetics, a hair bleaching will help hide upper lip hair. If your hair is bleached, others won’t even notice that a woman has upper lip hair. Be extra cautious though when bleaching. Testing the product on a small area of the skin will help women avoid further damage. If your skin is irritated, then just forget about bleaching.
Hair Removing Creams:
Try a hair removing cream from a wide range of variety available in the market. These creams are easy to apply and can be used on most of the areas on your body and skin. The best part of using a cream is that there is no pain and can be consistently used without worrying about the result. Be careful to not use them around your eyes.
Plucking & Threading:
Pluck it out with tweezers. It is a good option if you have light and thin hair on places like eyebrows, nose, jaw line and chin. Unwanted hair growing around chin and upper lip can be removed easily with the help of tweezers without much pain and efforts.
Laser Hair Removal:
Going through laser hair removal is not comfortable, easy, and guaranteed effective. An entire market finally came up with a way to remove excess hair. Laser treatment is not just for female facial hair removal, but for removing hair on the legs, bikini lines, and hair on the abdomen, back, underarms, breast area, chest, neck and face. Laser hair removal can remove upper lip hair permanently.
If you want to get other tips in removing female facial hairs, you better consult your virtual doctor – the internet. Should you plan to undergo an operation, make sure that you research enough information about this. You can read forums about people who went through a cosmetic surgery. The best thing that you can do is consult your physician first to avoid future problems.
Irritation in face will lead to more noticeable hairs, so bear this in mind with any radical treatment.