Cute is a Four Letter Word – Short Cute Poems

Those who have studied poetry know that rhyming is only one style of writing a poem. The real criterion that defines a poem is whether I am writing something that could not be conveyed in prose.

I hope the following short and beautiful collection of cute poems by famous people will help you in times of your need to realize how perfect you already are.

We are quite sure that you will love these cute poems collection. Lets have a look at these decent cute poems.

Source: Friendship Poems

1. The Ballad Of The Turkey

As I walked along the road one day
Kicking up stones along the way,
I saw a bird of unusual size
Who had a large beak and small, beady eyes.

He strutted about and ruffled his wings
Then he did the most ominous thing.
He let out a screech and puffed out his chest
I wanted to run from this evil pest.

As this bird’s mighty exterior did appear
The inside of my chest was filled with fear.
He put one talon forward, the other one next
This troublesome bird was making me vexed.

I then did something that was a great chance.
I kicked a stone at him to stop his advance.
He then chased the stone, oh joy of great joys!
I felt myself one of the luckiest boys!

Around the corner I ran, straight to my home,
Leaving that bird confused and alone.
Don’t befriend a turkey (for that’s what he was)
Or he will attack you simply because.

2. I Pledge Allegiance

I pledge allegience to Ms.Royalty
In the United States of her kingdom
And to her rules for which it stands
One princess under God
In the visible
With diamonds and pumps for ALL.

3. My Five Kitty Cats

Buster, Sparkle, Newbie, Speedy
and then there’s Pixie our smallest kitty,
One, two, three and four and five,
they’re so frisky, so alive.

Sparkle is my number one,
14 years old and so much fun.
Purrs and snuggles on my shoulder,
she‘s getting slow and somewhat older.
She meows for water from the sink,
I turn it on, for her to drink.

Speedy is my number two,
proud and handsome, I tell you!
He prances like a little pony,
and you know what? That’s no baloney.
He guards the others from above,
and sometimes gives a little shove.

Newbie is my number three,
chubby, plump as one can be.
Always cleaning, always licking,
he tries to run but his paws keep sticking.
He keeps on searching for a hand,
to scratch under his collar band.

Buster is my number four,
always eating, more and more.
Loves to snack on lots of munchies,
Tender Vittles and some crunchies.
Begging, pleading, day and nights.
“Give me crunchies, or I’ll bite!”

Pixie is my number five,
She jumps, rolls over, takes a dive.
Up my back, onto my shoulder,
hoping I would grab and hold her.
Then she jumps to catch a fly,
She’s four months old, my sweetie pie.

Buster, Sparkle, Newbie, Speedy,
and there’s Pixie our smallest kitty.
Five, four, three and two and one,
I love my kitty cats, they’re so much fun.

Source: Friendship Poems