Dazzling and Gorgeous Alone Poems

Here you’ll find free poems. Just read the full collection of alone Poems. Here are some great poems for your.

These new and best collection of alone Poems text messages are in English, Hindi and Urdu languages.

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1. Death of the Inanimate

Your lips are the wet of my blood. Without them I bleed dust
Your voice, the rhythm of my heart. Without it my ventricles lay in silence
Your touch, the nerves of my fingertips. Without it I cannot feel
Your embrace, the light at my center. Without it I see only blackness
Come back to me soon and breathe life into this corpse for without you
there is nothing

2. Wayward Star

Cherrywood fibers converge and yaw
Hiding and revealing her basalt eyes
She floats away while my heart dries
Embered feelings frail as straw

Lo to remain with wayward star
Set upon the wind too soon and lightly raptured
For time itself unkey myself now captured
Together still but yet afar

3. Alone! ‘ I cried

‘Alone! ‘ I cried again.
‘Alone I am with me!
Lonely in a world of mist
Alone, I reach to touch your wrist
And see if I am thee.’

To be alone beside a soul
Afloat, adrift; an empty ghoul
Alone in woe; the yearning flesh
To fill a thin, contorted mesh
Diffuse atop an icy floor, alone.

So much alone in fact, I lack
The tonal vibrancy of life:

I am a song without a tune
A greying sky in June

The blueness of a sullen moon
– waning in a starless night–

Coasting down a weedy pass
The only image in the glass

To meet a certain heavy fate
– to turn and shut the knurly gate–


4. So alone!

So alone in my bed
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court
Alone I stand and fight
Alone I pray for rainbow lights

Alone in the morning I awake
Alone I celebrate my joys
Alone I cry out my sadness
Alone I voice out my fears
Alone in strenght

Alone in wealth
Alone in good health
Alone I try to understand
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone I share what is mine
Alone I try not to be alone
Alone when my time has come, I pass away

5. My Loneliness

Alone I sleep,
And alone I wake,
Alone I dream,
And alone I ache,

Alone I live,
And alone I cry,
Alone I think,
And alone I’ll die,

Alone I try,
And alone I fall,
Alone I fail,
And alone I crawl,

Alone I break,
And alone I sit,

Alone I was,
Alone I am,
And alone I’ll always be.

6. Alone i am Alone in Alone Island

Alone iam alone in alone island
Alone mew on alone palm tree in alone island
Alone shark surrounding alone island
Alone boat far away from alone island
Alone iam dying alone in alone island
Alone iam alone in alone island