The future is a time period commonly understood to contain all events that have yet to occur. It is the opposite of the past, and is the time after the present.
We have some new and latest poems on future. You must read this. you can send these poems to your friends and family members.
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1. Accordingly
someday everyone will be wise in the future
everyone will be sensible and forward thinking
wear sensible shoes and act accordingly in the future
wise action according to everyone will be the act
of the future everyone will be futuristic someday
according to god according to everyone and their shoes
in the future everyone will be godless and free
act accordingly in the future or else
play accordions wisely in your godless future
in the future accordions will play themselves
act three in the future: there will be no accordions
everyone will get nostalgic for the accordion god
and act as if they were wise in the future
everyone will be according to god
in the future everyone will not act accordingly
wisdom is unholy in the future
to act accordingly is to stay out of trouble
in the future jails will be bigger and much better
everyone will need some punishment in the future
thinking of accordions will be a crime
lawrence welk is a revolutionary in the future
to act accordingly is to act with wisdom
everyone will act as one in the future
accordingly for everyone to act
in the future everyone will be discredited
everyone must act now to avoid the future
be wise and dont act accordingly
play accordions in the street the future cannot
wait for wisdom and forced accord
one chord might save the future
2. My Future
My future is already set
My future is finding the right person for me
I plan on keeping that one forever
This future tells me that i am going to have a perfect husband
My future tells me that i would be doing what i love in life
This future tells me to keep my dreams and opition open
In my future i am going to be a great mother
This future tells me already that i am going to have the man i always wanted and a babygirl named Dymond the name i always wanted too.
My future id just perfect….
My future
3. Look to the Future
Look to the future
Detach from the past
Let the people go
Start a new this time
Look to the future
Love like it’ll last
Dream like it’s forever
No move envy
Look to the future
Have the star life
Learn from others
Take it in
Look to the future
Be proud with yourself
No more lies
No more disguises
Look to the future
Solve the unresolved
Be someone’s firefly
Stop living for yourself
Look to the future
Be the person
You dream to be
Stop fantasizing
Look to the future
It’s only gets brighter
From here on out
Detach from the past
Look to the future
4. Yesterday is now today by now!
Yesterday is now today!
Yesterdays’ today is in the past.
Yesterdays past is today’s past,
but yesterdays’ tomorrow is today’s’ past, and its’ future.
Tomorrow’s’ past is today’s’ future,
and tomorrow is today by now.
Tomorrow doesn’t know yesterday,
but tomorrow’s yesterday knows the future and the past.
Today is the future and the past.
Today’s’ future is now the past.
Today’s’ past is in the future,
but today’s’ future is tomorrow’s past and future.
The futures past can be today.
The future is tomorrow and today.
The futures future is in the future,
but the future knows the past, tomorrow, today, and yesterday.