Although Halloween began as a holiday for individuals who practiced the occult, it has since turned into something completely different. Halloween has really become all about the kids. It is about the fun of dressing up and pretending to be someone else for a night.
I hope the following short and beautiful collection of halloween poems by famous people will help you in times of your need to realize how perfect you already are.
We are quite sure that you will love these cute and sweet halloween poems collection. Lets have a look at these decent halloween poems.
Source: Family Friend Poems
1. The Sorrowful Tune
The wind howls its sorrowful tune,
as the leaves cover ground
gives way to the grave of fall.
Tombs fill the streets of towns;
People whose hearts are overwhelmed
with grief.
Madmen roam – the place some call home;
While black cats scurry down their paths.
The moonlit sky,
leaves people feeling fright;
But me I love these nights.
2. Halloween Allergies — A Poem
T’was the week before All Hallows Eve
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn’t breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should’ve been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn’t get scared, didn’t wish them away
‘Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they’d say “Gesundheit”
3. Halloween Night
The corpse that walks,
its solemn line.
The vampire stalks,
finds blood to dine.
The werewolf howls
at the silver moon.
His human form
what’s showing at noon.
The mummy’s cries
of pain and loss.
His wraps that smell of must and moss.
The witch that flies,
upon her broom
casting curses
and spelling doom.
The black cat scurries,
hisses and claws
through the graveyard walks his paws.
Source: Family Friend Poems