Birth is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring . The offspring is brought forth from the mother.
We have some new and latest poems on Birth. You must read this. you can send these poems to your friends and family members.
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1. Birth and Death
Death is certain for birth.
Is birth certain for death?
Post-birth is pre-death.
It is like go around and return.
Post-death is pre-birth.
It is like stay and remain.
Birth and death is better
Than no birth at all
2. Birth Of Love
The birth of my love
It comes with the need to be strong
It comes with the need to be true
The birth of my love
From the depth of its source
Comes with the fear to lose
The fear of rejection
The fear of solitude
The birth of my love
Yearns for your presence
Yearns for your love
You to love me
With all your heart
Love me
I say all this with the truth for both of us
The birth of my love you shall
Feel with an embrace
See it in my eyes
Hear it in my voice
The birth of our love
3. Life Passes Through, Not Being Born
The flowers think they gave birth to seeds,
The shoots, they gave birth to the flowers,
And the plants, they gave birth to the shoots,
So do the seeds they gave birth to plants.
You think you gave birth to the child.
None thinks they are only entrances
For the life force that passes through.
A life is not born, it passes through.
4. Missing Heaven’s Door
missing heaven’s door
missing heaven’s door
time zone discover
planet of birth earth gave birth
missing heaven’s door
door is always open now
Christ has made the portal safe