{SCA} Death is the termination of the biological functions that define a living organism. It will eventually afflict all living things. Death refers both to a particular event and to the condition that results thereby.
I hope the following decent and beautiful collection of death quotations by famous people will help you in times of your need to realize how perfect you already are.
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Just read the full collection of death quotations.
1. Norman Cousins
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
To die will be an awfully big adventure.
3. Maurice Maeterlinck
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
4. Buddha
Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.
5. William Ross Wallace
Every man dies – Not every man really lives.
6. Will Shriner
I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather… Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.
Dying is like getting audited by the IRS–something that only happens to other people … until it happens to you.
8. William Penn
For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.
9. Albert Einstein
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
10. Abraham Lincoln
Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow.
11. Winston Churchill
I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
12. Susan Cheever
Death is terrifying because it is so ordinary. It happens all the time.
13. William Shakespeare
Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant never taste of death but once.
14. Mark Twain
I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
15. Joel Osteen
You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
16. Thomas Mann
A man’s dying is more the survivors’ affair than his own.
17. Christian Furchtegott Gellert
Live as you would have wished to live when you are dying
18. Brian Williams
A person starts dying when they stop dreaming
19. Willa Cather
I shall not die of a cold. I shall die of having lived.
20. Margaret J. Wheatley
Destroying is a necessary function in life. Everything has its season, and all things eventually lose their effectiveness and die.