Winter can be one of the worst times of the year to take care of your skin. Your skin either gets extremely dry or a combination of all of the above. When the weather changes, so should your skin care treatments. Your skin is slowly adapting to the environmental changes around it, but once your skin has fully adapted it is time for it to change yet once again, so your skin never really settles down during the winter. Your skin gets dry in low humidity which is what the winter brings along with it. In low humidity your skin gets dehydrated and fragile. This is where moisturizer comes into play. The more the better!
Use Humidifier
With AC’s on and closed outdoors the air becomes humid making the skin dry and itchy. A humidifier brings in back the desired moisture. This prevents the skin from cracking and peeling. Invest in a branded humidifier and place wherever needed.
Moisturize Frequently
Oil base moisturizer effective against moisture loss. The ointment form should have 80:20 ratio of oil and water. This emulsion forms a layer and creates a barrier. Slather body with cocoa butter cream and body oil after a shower. Apply generously to the area that dries out. Moisturizers with sun protection and SPF for 8 to 15 are suggested.
To get rid of dead skin cells a gentle exfoliater is recommended. Gentle body scrub and facial exfoliater can be used twice a week.
Supplement From Within
Flaxseed oil is a useful supplement to moisturize body from within. It has all the benefits, as it is rich in fatty acids.
Oil Infused Baths
Soak yourself in warm bath infused with sweet almond or jojoba oil to sooth and nourish skin. Aromatic oils as lavender and ylang ylang revitalizes mind, body and soul.
Eliminate Blow Dry
For styling hair, choose alternative styles for winter season. Avoid blowing instead opt for tousled, curly or a simple bun. Excessive blowing can cause flare and will blow off the moisture from skin surface.
Woolen clothes and synthetic fabrics are irritating to dry skin. Soft cotton clothes are best option to wear underneath. Loose fitting cotton fabrics and clothing in layers is good to prevent overheating. Wet shoes and clothes should be immediately removed to avoid flare and irritation.
Lip care
Application of lip balm is recommended for dry chapped lips. Never lick lips when felt dry, as it will aggravate the problem and make them more chapped.
Simple Sleep
A good night sleep is advised for rapid cell renewal and sufficient oxygenation. Ideal eight hours sleep works wonders and is considered a natural way to pamper skin.
Natural Skincare Remedies
- Use natural ingredients that can be well absorbed by the skin and not lie on the skin. Absorbing deep within the skin can make the skin supple and active.
- Use olive oil, milk, curd and almond oil as the best ingredients available naturally.
- Use products that are specifically formulated for the winter days.
- Coconut oil, soothing vitamin E lotions are the best moisturizers.
With change in temperature and arrival of new season, care for skin and hair has to be taken accordingly. By giving away few habits and leading a disciplined life will not only leave the skin radiating but will bring back your confidence.