Whenever you talk to somebody, lips draw your attenton. Lips are very senitve part on your face. Health and pink lips are considered beautiful. Soft and smooth lips are indicator of your buty. Skin os lips is very delicate and is highly prone to drying, chipping and cracking. Dull and shapped lips mar whole look of your face and it affects your personality also. There is constant need of lip care to keep them in perfact condition.
Well soft and pink lips is the dream of every girl. Women uses lip glosses, lipsticks and chap sticks to treat there lips against the harsh winter air. But do you ever realize that the chemical colours and ingredients in them gives you temporary solutions and when you stop using them, again you get worse conditions on lips .
- Ensure your body is not deficient in B vitamins, iron or essential fatty acids. These deficiencies can cause scaling of lips and cracking of lip corners. Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement after consultation with your physician.
- Hydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can cause dryness of lips. Increase your water intake during winter to keep your lips look fresh. You can also humidify the rooms to deal with winter dryness.
- Rule out allergy to lipstick dyes.
- If in spite of water intake your lips seem dehydrated, apply cool wet cloth to hydrate lips. Also try to seal in the moisture with a lip balm. Apply lip balm every hour or two to treat dry lips and to keep them healthy. Use balm with spf of at least 15 to save your lips from sun damage.
- Don’t lick your lips, it will cause more chapping. Licking lips doesn’t moisturize them.
- Lip lickers also tend to be lip biters. Biting lips removes their protective covering which causes further drying.
- Some people are allergic to flavoring agents in toothpastes and mouthwash. Check with your physician if that could be your problem.
- Creamy lipsticks can act like balms and prevent your lips from chapping. Avoid using lipsticks that can dry out your lips.
- Use a soft toothbrush to softly buff your lips to remove the deposit of dead cells that will cause more drying and flaking.
- Chapped lips are also susceptible to infections. Apply over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to avoid infection.
- If your chapped lips are due to drooling in the night, you can use zinc oxide ointment that acts as a protective agent.
- You can also try applying clarified butter or milk cream before going to bed for a few days.
- Other remedies that you could try are – rub a slice of cucumber on your lips, apply neem extract, and use aloe vera gel. A saline bath is also seen to help some people.
- Vitamin A is also important for repair of skin. Ensure that your diet includes vitamin A rich ingredients like carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and legumes. You can also have a vitamin rich juice made up of 1 tbsp. of water cress, carrot and spinach juice, 2 tbsp. wheat germ oil, one glass of tomato juice, and 1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast.