Since you were young, there have more than likely been many times when you have experienced certain whimsical events. Children are willing to foresee these events and allow the thoughts to come in the mind but as we get to be adults we often lose these qualities that allow us to believe in fairies and other sense of whimsy. At the time of adulthood, there are many adults that choose a fairy tattoo to allow themselves to be reminded that these whimsical things may exist within the world, and it is important to recognize these events as they take place.
There are many people that choose these fairy tattoos to celebrate this sense of whimsy that exists in the world. Through these tattoos, there is a high level of color that is used through the designs and there are often multiple colors that are used through the course of the illustration. The majority of fairy tattoos are created with a high level of whimsy and fun throughout the design and there are often stars and other bright designs that are included through the course of the artwork.
There are other styles of fairy tattoos that are becoming more popular. These fairy tattoos are created through tribal inspired designs and they are created with modern and dark inks, as well as subtle designs and scrolls through the tattoo. There are often one color that is used through a design that is created with an outline and lines that are filled in through the design to create the appearance of a fairy.
A fairy tattoo is often very detailed, which will mean that it will cost a little more than other designs and it will take somewhat longer. With the many different colors and lines that are part of making the fairy come to life on your skin, you will find that this tattoo will become a central focal point of your body to add life and beauty.
Making the decision to have a fairy tattoo applied to your body means that you are ready to take the time needed to make a significant impact upon your body and your life. The fun and whimsy of the fairy, along with the symbolism of youth and having a free spirit can come together to give you a tattoo that will express your own individuality and personality. The colors and style that are available in the selection of fairy tattoos will give your body just the right look.
Whether you choose a fairy tattoo as a reminder of innocence and child-like values or you choose it just for the beauty, you will find that a fairy tattoo can give your body great flair. From a small, intricate fairy tattoo to a larger, more detailed fairy tattoo, you will find that they can make an excellent addition to any part of your body to add a bit of personality and fun to your body.
Why Are Fairy Tattoos So Popular?
If you are not sure about fairies just think of the greatest fariy of all times, Tinkerbell” from the Walt Disney movie and story of Peter Pan. Tinkerbell in fact has probably popularized the whole belief and draw of fairies as cute, sexy little things with wings.
So what is the symbolism behind these and why are they so popular as tattoos? At this point there are a lot of different meanings. People with fairy tattoos each have their own personal reason and interpretation for getting the tattoo. It could be that the freedom of a fairy was something they wanted in their life.
THey could have just thought that fairies were cute and small and something they really liked or it could have been the only female tattoo design available in flash at the tattoo studio they went to. There doesn’t seem to be any universally agreed upon symbolic meaning behind the fairy tattoo. Some feel it represents freedom, other beauty and others still a new step or start on life.
Either way here are some great fairy tattoo designs that you can get ideas from. Look at the fairy tattoo pictures to gather ideas but don’t just copy someone Else’s original tattoo design. Instead gather ideas from the fairy tattoo pictures and design galleries and then make your own.
Fairy Tattoos and Their Popularity:
Have you ever wondered why fairy tattoos are so popular? It is in fact one of the most popular tattoo designs for women. They seem drawn to these cute little flying creatures.
- They are innocent and sexy at the same time.
- They represent freedom with their wings and the ability to fly through life.
- They are very colorful.
- They can be added to easily for example a fairy catching a butterfly.
- They make great lower and upper back tattoos because of the shape of the wings.
- There is a sort of mystical and nature based beauty and ethos about them.