Yoga is one way to stay fit that is completely at par with all the other ancient forms of workout. The majority of the celebrities as well as common folks who are concerned about their health prefer yoga to any other form of fitness exercise. Let\’s take a look at how yoga could help you overcome excessive weight.
Yoga practice, combined with the “green,” organic diet followed by many yogis, seems to burn off weight faster than almost any other weight-loss approach. Unfortunately, busy modern people often find it difficult to follow this “green” diet which is why many modern yogis use supplements. (You can get a FREE bottle of a wonderful organic “green” diet supplement by clicking on the link below.)
Avoid Alcohol
Yogis don’t tend to drink much – which is a good thing, because nothing stands in your way when you want to lose weight like the empty calories found in alcohol. In the West, of course, many people enjoy a glass or two of wine with their meals – and only the most strict of yogis would forbid that. However, if you’re trying to lose weight quickly and easily, try limiting your consumption of alcohol to the weekends. You’ll be amazed how quickly the excess pounds fall away.
Yogic Diet
The yogic diet is based on the principle of ahimsa, or non-harm. According to this yogic philosophy, eating meat violates this teaching. While milk, cheese and yogurt are permitted, eggs, fish and other animal products are to be avoided. However, it is important to consume adequate amounts of protein and fats, as well as carbohydrates. The main source of protein in the yogic diet comes from dairy, nuts and seeds, and legumes, or dried beans. Beans are especially high in fiber and are filling, while providing adequate protein and calories. Nuts and seeds are also high in protein, as well as healthy fats and oils.
Constitutional Types
Ayurveda teaches there are three main constitutional types, referred to as doshas. The doshas are kapha, or water; vata, or air; and pitta, or fire. While most individuals have one dosha that tends to be more dominant than the others, excessive weight gain represents an imbalance of the doshas. To achieve permanent weight loss, it is important to first determine your dominant dosha, and follow a diet that is designed specifically for that type. Yoga Journal explains that vata types need more grounding foods, such as whole grains. Kapha types need energizing foods, such as dishes prepared with spices like ginger and cayenne. Pitta types require cooling foods, such as raw salads and sweet fruits.
Following a dosha-balanced diet will generally not provide immediate weight loss, as some fad diets may. It will take time for the body to come back into balance and find a healthy weight. However, weight loss can be accelerated in any regimen by including regular moderate to vigorous exercise each day. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily simply to maintain weight. For weight loss, they further recommend 60 to 90 minutes per day.
Expert Insight
Although a vegetarian yogic diet can be challenging to follow, and may not be right for everyone, there is scientific research that supports its health benefits. notes that a well-planned vegetarian diet can meet the nutritional needs of most people. The foundation of the vegetarian food pyramid is whole grains, followed by nuts, seeds and legumes. Additionally, according to Dr. Andrew Nicholson of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a vegetarian diet may also help prevent or reverse chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, which often results from obesity and poor diet.
Fast Regularly
Fasting is an ancient health and spiritual regimen practiced both in ancient India and throughout Christendom. It is also a very effective way to “jump start” a weight loss program. Western Christians are used to fasting, often on Fridays, because of the Roman Catholic custom of observing Lent. Originally, Catholics gave up all meat products during the 40 days of Lent. The word “carnival,” for example, which refers to the day or week preceding the start of Lent, literally means “goodbye” (vale) to meat (carne). When beginning fasting, always check with your doctor first.