When you were young, your mom probably told you to eat fruit. Although she might have been more interested in keeping you healthy – fruit has zero cholesterol, serves as a good source of heart-healthy fiber and contains phytochemicals that reduce blood pressure and the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes – boosting your fruit intake may also help you lose weight. Add strawberries and grapefruit to your watermelon, and watch the scale inch to the left.
Fruit Diets are an easy and simple way to give the body a rest from the harsh richness of modern twenty-first century eating habits. Fruits are high in content in a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and natural alkaline acids, all of which help boost the body’s many complex systems. Most fruits are helpful in aiding the body to eliminate toxins and help to clean out excess mucous, relieving many cold and catarrhal symptoms and definitely help to alleviate many more serious lung and respiratory problems. Fruits allow the digestive system to relax from their normal work overload and are generally mildly laxative in effect, thus enabling the bowels to eliminate better. So, from helping to relieve mild symptoms, Fruit Diets can often reduce symptoms in some more serious conditions, and are well worth trying. In short the major benefits include Detoxification, Cleansing and Weight Loss.
When you were young, your mom probably told you to eat fruit. Although she might have been more interested in keeping you healthy fruit has zero cholesterol, serves as a good source of heart-healthy fiber and contains phytochemicals that reduce blood pressure and the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes boosting your fruit intake may also help you lose weight. Add strawberries and grapefruit to your watermelon, and watch the scale inch to the left.
Eating To Lose
Research shows that following positive weight-loss messages or diets that promote eating more of a certain food provides better results than following negative messages or diets that promote eating less of a certain food.
Everybody wants a weight-loss plan that lets them eat as much as they want while satisfying hunger and reducing calorie intake. The trick is to choose foods with a lower energy density, or fewer calories per gram weight of the food. The more water and fiber in a food, the lower its energy density, and the more it helps you stay full while you reduce your calorie intake and lose weight.
One of the best ways to fill up on foods with low energy density is to eat more fruit. But not just any fruit will do. Canned fruit packed in heavy syrup has twice the energy density of canned fruit packed in light syrup. Dried fruit has four times the energy density of fresh fruit, because almost all the water has been removed. The best choice is fresh, whole fruit for the least amount of calories and the highest amount of fullness and satisfaction. The top fruits for weight loss include grapefruit, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew), berries (strawberries, raspberries and blueberries), papaya and peach.
How to Stay on Your Fruit Diet
Because the digestive system is still active and you have drastically reduced caloric intake, for the first few days on a fruit diet you may experience intense hunger. Hunger is good! Welcome it like a friend, as it is a sign that the body is turning to your body fat for energy, which translates into weight loss. Face the fear of hunger with courage. Show who’s in control. What a glorious joy it is to overcome hunger’s control over your life. That victory and the confidence that follows it will lead to a lifetime of weight management and good health.
A 30-day all-fruit diet will provide a benefit similar to juice fasting and is a great alternative. However, eating a diet made up exclusively of fruit takes far more discipline and self-control than fasting. I have gone on many fasts but still find it hard to accomplish a lengthy diet of fruit. During fasting, your digestive system shuts down, and psychologically and spiritually you have become resolved not to eat. But an all-fruit diet is very different in that your digestive system is fully active and you are still engaged in eating. For most of us who are accustomed to living on a highly concentrated diet of meats and starches, fruit can often feel physically unsatisfying because our digestive system is still producing large amounts of hydrochloric acid, resulting in a grumbly stomach for the first two or three days of a fruit diet. Also, physiologically, fruit does not give that heavy, full-belly feeling, and cravings can rise powerfully to the surface.
Try to detect the difference between hunger and craving. Food cravings are far more attached to emotions than body hunger. Fat, sugar and salt cravings will also subside in a few days, making the fruit diet more manageable even enjoyable as the physical benefits become obvious. Emotional cravings are another story. They are going to take more work to overcome, but are well worth the effort.
10 Easy Tricks To Boost Your Fruit Intake
According to mypyramid.gov, women should aim for at least two cups of fruit per day; more if they’re physically active. Here are some suggestions to help you boost your fruit intake to healthier levels and you might just lose a few pounds along the way.
- We know you’d rather order the cheesecake, but we’ve come up with a fair compromise. Many restaurants serve fruit dishes with a tasty indulgence like a sugar cookie, a scoop of sorbet or a selection of cheeses on the side.
- Feast away on apple slices throughout the day, and you’ll be less tempted to hit up the vending machine to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- Are late-night ice cream cravings your diet downfall? Snack on frozen grapes instead. They’re sweet, crunchy and cold and they’ll make you forget about the pint of Ben & Jerry’s in your freezer.
- When eating at fast-food chains, order a fruit cup instead of fries.
- Doughnuts and bagels may be the usual morning snack at work, but wow your colleagues with a parfait of frozen berries, yogurt and low-fat granola.
- If you usually eat chips with your lunchtime sandwich, try eating grapefruit instead. Peel and section a grapefruit in the morning before you go to work, and toss it in a plastic zipper bag.
- Jazz up your breakfast by tossing a handful of berries on cold cereal or adding sliced peaches to oatmeal.
- Need to whip up a tasty dinner party dish? Try making a fruity dessert. Slice strawberries and mix with raspberries and blueberries. Top with a quick syrup: Simmer 1/2 cup water with 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon amaretto until reduced to 1/4 cup. Cool and pour over the fruit for an out-of-this-world dessert dish.
- Appetizers can be a dieter’s downfall, packed with calories and loaded with fat. Amaze your friends with a delicious, colorful and low-calorie fruit kabob appetizer. Cut a variety of fruit to skewer on a bamboo stick, including red and green grapes, pineapple chunks, strawberries, sliced bananas, cubed pears—the sky is the limit! If preparing in advance, drizzle the fruit with lemon juice to prevent the bananas and pears from turning brown.
- Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen counter. You’re more likely to grab an apple, tangerine or peach if it’s in sight.
Step By Step Fruit Diet Plan
- Stay focused and excited about the health benefits of a fruit diet. Remember: “no pain, no gain.” The emotional pain is a sign you are doing something powerful.
- Be mentally prepared for the diet, I used to grab lots of information and read books on the topic to get myself prepared for a fruit diet the first time. In my experience once you start off, and is able to successfully take it through 3 days, you can easily extend the period to 7 days or even more.
- Decide for how long you are planning to be on a fruit diet and stick on to the schedule without any compromise. If you are planning to take a 7 day diet try to do the same every month which can give you tremendous long lasting benefits.
- Choose good fruits – Remember, your fruit diet will only be as good as the fruit you’re eating, not just in nutrition but also in eating pleasure. Spend a little more on good quality fruit, even if you have to search for a different store that specializes in top-quality produce. Also, try to eat what’s in season. Fruits high in vitamin C and citric acid are powerful detoxifiers.
Some information on few good fruits rich in vitamins & minerals are given below:
A rich source of Minerals and Fiber : Papaya has high nutritional benefits. It is rich in Anti-oxidants, Minerals and Fiber.
Rich in vitamins and help to reduce risks of colon cancer, prostrate cancer and lung cancer.
Mangoes are very popular and widely available fruits. It is rich in potassium and is a known antioxidant.
Rich in Vitamins and Potassium, no other fruit contain more digestible carbohydrates than bananas hence are an excellent source of energy.
Excellent source of Vitamin C, aids in digestion and is a very good cleansing/detoxifying agent.
Good source of Vitamins and calcium, a powerful detoxifying agent.
Some Tips for Fruit Diet
- For the first three days, eat as much fruit as you desire. Eating as much as you want will help curb the temptation to quit, which is strongest in the beginning, due to dealing with cravings and hunger.
- As a norm, begin your day with a large portion of higher-calorie fruit like bananas, grapes or mangoes. This will elevate your metabolism for the whole day, sustaining good energy and fat-burning capabilities. On more active days, eat a greater amount of fruit. If you have a day of leisure, then cut back.
- I was on a 5 days fruit diet this month and I chose the following fruits, remember this is just an example and you have full liberty to choose whatever you like and are easily available at your place, of course in comfortable serving sizes.