Do you find it hard to wear short dresses, shorts or anything that shows off your knees? Does having dark knee caps make you conscious and leave you with a feeling of uncertainty about your appearance? The skin is at least a tone darker than the original skin color. It looks ugly and never seems to restore to its original state. Dark knees becomes prominent when the complexion is fair.
I have thoroughly researched and found out the best possible ways on how to remove dark spots from Knees. Here we will share some useful tips which will get rid of the dark knees skin. Hopefully, they might help you say goodbye to the dark and parched elbows and knees and say yes to shorts and short sleeve dresses without embarrassment.
The Most Effective Knee Skin Care Tips
- Try vinegar and yogurt: Take a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of vinegar as well as yogurt. Mix them well to form a paste. Rub the mixture gently on the affected areas in a circular motion. Then rinse off after 20 to 25 minutes. Vinegar and yogurt contain acetic and lactic acid, respectively. Both these ingredients help in lightening of the skin.
- Sugar and lemon juice for lighter smoother elbows and knees: This scrub is for the skin lightening and get rid of the darkness from the elbows and knee joint. Mix one teaspoonful of sugar and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Use that to massage and exfoliate the elbows and over the knees. This will help get rid of the dead flaky skin and will make the skin lighter and smoother.
- Exfoliate the dead skin from your knees. The darkness is likely caused by your skin becoming thick and dry in that area. The skin on your knees, elbows and feet is naturally thicker and drier than elsewhere on your body because of the amount of strain these areas go through. Use a store-bough exfoliating cream or mix one yourself from brown sugar and olive oil. Rub in circular motions and rinse away.
- Avoid Hot Water: It’s so tempting to indulge in a long, hot bath or shower, especially when it’s cold outside. However, the hot water can actually suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving you with dry skin on knees and elbows. Moderate the temperature to more than warm, and turn off the tap after ten minutes.
- Clean your knees properly and apply coconut oil to them every night. This will also help in getting rid of the dark knee caps.
- Moisturize your knees daily to keep them looking smooth and bright. Always apply sunscreen; a tan will make your dark spots more noticeable because the dry skin of your knees will tan darker than the rest of your body. If you use a spray tan or a self-tanner, avoid your knees or use a barrier lotion to stop the knees from getting too dark.
- Another great remedy which surely works is milk cream. Mix milk cream with a pinch of turmeric and apply on the affected areas.
- Among other things, stress can cause dry, itching skin so figure out a new way to cope with the stress in your life. Try yoga, running, meditation, or even changing jobs. Your heart and mental health, as well as the dry skin on your elbows and knees, will thank you.
- Apply aloe-Vera gel to your knees daily and be stunned by the difference. Aloe Vera is the wonder plant that helps in healing the dry knee, making them softer and brighter.
I hope you found this article on how to lighten dark knees interesting and useful! Well, these are not the only ones, if your search your kitchen and do some experiments, you will surely find some more solutions for the same.