Simple Tips And Remedies For Oily Hair

Oily hair can be a pain and is a common complaint among persons who have acne problems. Oily hair is difficult to manage, can be limp, and hard to style. A common misconception about oily hair is that it is caused by an oily scalp. The exact opposite is usually true. A dry scalp causes the oil glands in the scalp to produce more oil, and once on the scalp, this excess oil transfers to the hair itself. Therefore, to treat oily hair, one of the best things to do is focus on the dry scalp. Some people produce a lot more oil than others.

There is nothing you can do about it other than frequent and regular shampooing with a mild shampoo. The best time to shampoo your hair is first thing in the morning. This way your hair is fresh all day. Many persons mistakenly think that hair shampoo is to wash the hair and not the scalp. Actually, shampoo is designed to clean the scalp and beautify the hair. Thus, the first recommendation is to shampoo the scalp. Women with long hair should apply the shampoo to the scalp without piling the hair on top, and use their fingers to vigorously massage the scalp.

What Causes Oily Hair

The cause of oily hair vary from person to person. For some, it’s hereditary. For women, hair can become oily at certain points in their cycle. Stress can also result in overactive oil production, as can heat and humidity. People with naturally fine, straight hair suffer from oily hair more commonly that those with thin or curly hair. This is due to the number of oil glands you have approximately 2-3 per hair strand and how easily the oil can travel down the strands.

Remedies For Oily Hair

  • Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar with water. Apply the mixture on your scalp. Massage with your fingers, for about two minutes. Leave the mixture on your head, for about half an hour and then rinse your hair with water.
  • Baby powder is one of the effective home remedies for oily hair. Sprinkle a little amount baby powder into your tresses. Leave it for about five minutes and then comb your hair with a comb. The baby powder will absorb oil from your hair, making it less greasy.
  • Dilute 100 ml of alcohol in two cups of water. Rinse your hair with the solution. This will remove the excess build up of oil in your hair.
  • Brew tea leaves in a cup of water. Add the juice of half a lemon to the tea. After cooling the decoction, apply it on your hair. Leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash your hair thoroughly with water.
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar with two teaspoons of lemon juice and one cup of warm water. Massage the mixture in your scalp. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse your hair with water.
  • Essential oils can help a great deal in reducing the production of oil in your hair. Combine 8 drops of rose geranium essential oil with the same quantity of lemongrass essential oil. Pour the mixture into an 8-ounce bottle of your regular shampoo.
  • You can personalize your regular shampoo and make it more suitable for your oily hair. For the purpose, mix ½ teaspoon of aloe vera gel and one tablespoon of lemon juice with 4 tablespoons of the shampoo. Blend the ingredients well. Wash your hair with the shampoo.
  • Regular shampooing is good for your oily hair, but you should not overdo it. This is because the body tends to produce more oil, when the hair is less greasy, after shampooing.
  • Avoid using styling products such as hair gel, hair spray, because they moisten the hair, making it oilier.
  • Diet plays an important role in the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. Therefore, try to reduce the quantity of oil in your food. It is better to avoid deep-fried food. Replace the fried and fatty food with fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Conditioner is not required for oily hair, because the product tends to make the hair greasy. However, if you still want to use a conditioner, make sure that you apply it only to the ends of your tresses, rather than the roots.

Oily Hair Tips

  • Wash it as often as necessary to keep it clean and in good shape.
  • Use a gentle shampoo. Leave shampoo on the scalp for five minutes!
  • Best shampoos for oily hair contain a detergent, such as ammonium or sodium lauryl sulfate. (These detergents are quite drying to hair.)
  • Try shampooing every second day.
  • Rinse on the off day. Rinse with cool water to close the pores of the scalp.
  • Between washes use hair fresheners to avoid bad smelling.
  • Try to avoid conditioner at the roots and scalp, apply in the middle or on the ends. Apply it gently with your fingertips.
  • Towel dry before you blow drying to remove most of the dampness.
  • Direct the blow-dryer to the hair strands and roots.
  • Try to avoid oil in your daily food intake. Eat more vegetables.
  • Avoid using styling products containing silicone. Do not use two-in-one shampoos and conditioners.
  • Avoid brushing your hair too often or too vigorously, since brushing can help spreading oil from your roots to the ends of your hair.
  • Have the hair colored or permanently waved. Color treated hair has enlarged strands and this can help reduce the oil from spreading through your hair.
  • Avoid frequently touching your hair.
  • Try highlighting your hair. This dries hair out slightly.
  • In case you cannot wash your hair, apply a lot of powder to your oily hair in front on the scalp, and wipe it off with a dry towel. The powder will absorb the oil.
  • Get a haircut that is easy to manage.
  • Excessive oiliness is caused by hormones that trigger sebum production. To prevent excessive sebum production you should visit your doctor.