Love and Life is committed to the creation of do no Harm, Kin Domain communities throughout the world. Kindoms, where we grow our own food and support one another away from the endless rules and obligations we currently struggle under, are the only way to achieve lives of peace, joy and abundance for all and take care of Earth so that Earth flourishes. Love For Life shines a light on the darkness of the world we live in so that we may all recognise that darkness and until there is nowhere left for it to hide.
I hope the following short and beautiful collection of love and life poems by famous people will help you in times of your need to realize how perfect you already are. We are quite sure that you will love these cute and sweet love and life poems collection. Lets have a look at these decent poems.
1. A Zest for Life
A zest for life, a grace divine
More intoxicating than wine.
Carefree nature and wild, wild ways,
You always make my mind sway!
Bouncing black hair and coal- dark eyes,
Remind me of monsoon skies,
A spring in your step elevates my mood,
Hey, nosey rain, do not intrude!
As the wind caresses your lovely form,
And the waves rush to feel your charm,
What chance do I stand?
Against nature’s wicked game plan?
There is no truth but love;
Lovely as the blue skies above.
There is no reality but bliss,
So there! Let me taste your lips.
Let me hold you in my arms,
And protect you from all harm,
Life is too cruel, my dear!
But, I am here, do you hear?
Spend an eternity with me,
I shall never tire of you,
Remind me when day breaks,
For, yet again, I will want to hold you.
2. Love of My Life
Silver streaks of moonlight shine in your eyes whenever you look at me
The sun rises in your eyes my darling
When you dream of holding the moon,
I catch it and bring it to you, wrapped in red-watery rose petals
I lay red roses for your feet to walk on
I see your face on every moonrise
Your face is on every sunrise
My beautiful darling, I can never count the ways I love you
Your eyes sparkle like diamond
Your smile brightens my days like the sun
Love of my life
Sunshine of my morning
Moonlight of my nights
3. True Love is a Sacred Flame
True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally,
And none can dim its special glow
Or change its destiny.
True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear,
True love gives with open heart
And true love conquers fear.
True love makes no harsh demands
It neither rules nor binds,
And true love holds with gentle hands
The hearts that it entwines.
4. Life is a Stream
Life is a stream
On which we strew
Petal by petal the flower of our heart;
The end lost in dream,
They float past our view,
We only watch their glad, early start.
Freighted with hope,
Crimsoned with joy,
We scatter the leaves of our opening rose;
Their widening scope,
Their distant employ,
We never shall know. And the stream as it flows
Sweeps them away,
Each one is gone
Ever beyond into infinite ways.
We alone stay
While years hurry on,
The flower fared forth, though its fragrance still stays.