Outstanding Short poems on School

A school of thought is a collection or group of people who share common characteristics of opinion or outlook of a philosophy, discipline, belief, social movement, cultural movement, or art movement.

There have been several schools of economic thought throughout history.

These new and best collection of Poems about school text messages are in English language.

In this post, we present a list of new and famous school poem Phrases that will take your breath away.

We have some new and latest poems on school. You must read this. you can send these poems to your friends and family members.Just read the full collection of school Poems.

We are quite sure that you will love this post, So let’s get started and don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to keep track on our next post in this series.

1. what is school like?

School is like a prison
We can’t leave,

School is like an island
We are all trapped,

School is like a pie
It is good at first until you reach the crust,

School is like a toilet
It is full of germs,

School is like a salad
You have to put something on it to make it better,

School is like a stupid cat
It never dies,

School is like a garbage truck
It smells, it’s big and you can here it from a mile away,

School is like a baby
It always needs your attention,

School is like a shark
It just keeps chasing,

School is like going to jail
You never want to go back,

2. I Can’t Go to School

I can’t go to school because I am sick
If I walk out my house I’ll get hit by a brick

I can’t go to school because I’m afraid
On my way there I might get run over by a huge parade

I can’t go to school because I have a funereal to attend
School uniforms just aren’t the new trend

I can’t go to school because I woke up late
I broke my thumb while learning how to skate

I can’t go to school because I feel a little blue
My brother stuck my hands together with supper glue

I can’t go to school because school is boring
I wonder what excuses I’ll have tomorrow morning


in school,
when i saw you
i intuited i have found
my lost world in you
i wish i could act
to be appreciated
by you in school.

in school,
it would be too sad
to narrate the ordeal
i have been through
i wonder if its best
i had met you
in the school.

in school,
though i had not said it
there has been so many ways
that i have shown it
my actions had done
whatever i wanted to say
at school.

in school,
i never thought
being in love
could take me to madness
well, it is better than
leaving me in sadness
in the school.

in school,
when i approached you
i knew i was silly
it was because
i forgot who i was
in school

in school,
why do you sneer
when i am near
it really breaks me
just tell me what to do
to get a room from you
in and out of school.

in school,
sometimes though it is hard
i guess i must let go
some things i wish to have
though good things also
could be found elsewhere
as it has been in school.