Prayer is communication between man and God. A family that incorporates prayer into their lifestyle are giving the ultimate gift to themselves. Life is difficult and suffering is an inevitable part of life. A family that prays knows that they can turn to God and be accepted and loved for who they are.
We have some new and latest poem about prayer. You must read this. you can send these poems to your friends and family members.Just read the full collection of prayer poem.
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Source: Family Friend Poems
1. Morning Prayers
Waking alone to morning light,
I pull myself up to continue the fight,
Sending off prayers with all my might,
Creator hear me, I’m not out of sight.
Your cruelty can’t bring me down
Your just a boy trying to make me frown
But I’ll block you out won’t hear a sound
My will to go on you will never drown
I will still pray for you no idea why,
Even after you told me you wanted me to die,
Even after you fooled me with lies,
Your karma is for Creator to decide.
I prey for the guardian warrior man
He picked me up took my hand
I seen a loyalty I could not understand
Gave me his protection without no demands.
I pray for my friends who believe in me,
They help me remember the things I don’t see,
They won’t turn their backs and let me be,
Never fearing they will just up and leave.
My prayers continue and rise with the sun,
Hurts that can never be undone
Creator reminds me I’m not one
That I have much to learn I am still young.
2. My Prayer
I know I don’t see things the way most people do.
I know I’m not perfect and not even sure if you’re true.
I come to you for help I have no where else to go.
I pray for help for a friend that I love so.
I wish I could have her pain, sickness, and strain.
I wish her to be happy, healthy, and without pain
I would for her give my life to make all this go away
I pray for her and I love her in every way.
If you can find the time to hear my prayer
please take her pains and any illness
she may have and give it to me for if
I can take these burdens from her it will
help show just how much I do care.
3. Greatest Love
I always knew I’d be a mom
since I was just a girl.
And when God blessed me with you four
you each became my world.
He said now take these precious gifts
and show them greatest love.
Because he gave them here to me
from Heaven up above.
He said to teach them what is right
by what you do and say.
And please remember as a mom
to teach them how to pray.
The years go by so fast you know
no matter what we do.
And wherever that your paths may lead
my heart will go with you.
I only hope I served you well
and showed you greatest love.
I hope I taught you how to pray
and thank your God above.
Always remember,
to be your mom
is a blessing everyday.
For to me God sent a precious gift
Brelyn, Sarah, Garrison and Shalah Rae
Source: Family Friend Poems