Symptoms of 9th Week Pregnancy – Your Changing Body in the 9th Week

By the ninth week of pregnancy, medically the baby has been called an embryo is now called a fetus. The baby is now about 13 and 17mm and weighs about one gram. In this stage of pregnancy, the baby starts to look like a baby. When you see a sonogram picture, you can make out a baby. New moms to be may start to experience more indigestion and heartburn due to their bodies making the adjustments to the growing baby.

By the ninth week of pregnancy, you should be gaining some weight. It is best to gain weight gradually rather than all at once. The morning sickness if you are one of the unlucky ones will start to decrease. You also may see an increase of mood changes and you will feel more bloated. The best way to alleviate these symptoms is to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your sides will also promote better circulation and better digestion.

As you progress into the pregnancy, it will become harder and harder to sleep on your back. Doctors recommend sleeping on your side and if you experience some discomfort, try placing a pillow in between your knees. Most baby stores sell a pillow designed for this situation or you can use a regular pillow as well.

Baby’s Development

The baby is still continuing to develop at a quick pace. The baby has all of the features of a human being but still small in size. As the weeks progress, the baby will continue to grow bigger and bigger. The baby’s eyelids are now 100% fully formed and are tightly shut, once you enter into the 28th week of pregnancy, you will see the baby’s eyes open. By now, the baby’s sex can be determined but you will have a hard time seeing it on the sonogram until about the 20th week or so.

The baby is now floating around the amniotic sac with full range of motion with the ankles, wrists, elbows and knees all fully formed. By now, if you haven’t heard it already, the baby’s heartbeat is nice and strong and will be able to be detected at your nest doctor’s appointment. The baby’s head will be bigger than the body but don’t panic this is perfectly normal.

Changes To Your Body

In the ninth week of pregnancy you will begin to gain more weight and you will start to be hungry more often. There may be some spotting but this is normal, if this happens, contact your doctor right away. It is better to be safe than sorry. If the blood is darker in color, there may be nothing to worry about. But if the blood is bright red and you are also feeling pain with cramps, get to the emergency room right away.

Since being pregnant means an increase in hormones, as the estrogen and the progesterone levels rise, they may cause the mucus membranes to bigger and this will cause nosebleeds and possibly some congestion. It is safe to use a vaporizer if you start to feel congested. Do not take any over the counter medication without speaking to your doctor first.

Much to your partners chagrin, you will have a decrease in sexual desire in the first trimester. Don’t worry; you will get it back in the second trimester. If you are not aware, your dental health can take a turn for the worse while pregnant. It is important to take your prenatal vitamins as well drink calcium to keep up with your Vitamin D. Visit your dentist regularly while pregnant to keep an eye on things.

What To Expect

Women who are 35 years old and older are considered to be high-risk pregnancies. This just means that doctors monitor you more closely. If you have any genetic disorders that run in either one of your families, now is the time to let the doctor know. Even if your fourth cousin had a health condition, it may be important to mention it.

The doctor will perform some genetic testing that will include counting of the chromosomes. This will happen anywhere from the ninth week to the twelfth week. Some things the baby may be predisposed to but you have to do your part when it comes to taking prenatal vitamins, getting enough rest and eating right.

Ask your doctor to help you set up an exercise program that will not hurt the baby but help keep you fit too. Walking and swimming are perfect exercises; there is not too much stress on the body. The best thing for you if you don’t know where to start is to ask the doctor a list of questions. Don’t feel like you are asking too many questions, it is perfectly normal for new moms and dads to have plenty of questions.


The best advice to offer new moms to be at this week of pregnancy is to take one day at a time. Don’t start thinking ahead because you are only at the ninth week and you have 32 weeks left. It will be a long and trying pregnancy if you start to think of your pregnancy weeks ahead of time.

Everyone says that you should enjoy your pregnancy;  it can be hard to do that while you are exercising morning sickness, heartburn and fatigue.  But there is light at the end of the tunnel.  You are just four weeks away from completing your first trimester.

Doctors visits will include sonograms and listening to fetal heartbeats. These are truly the best parts of pregnancy. Seeing the baby grow from the start to the day they are born is truly a miracle.  Once you hear the baby’s heartbeat,  any doubt you have will wash away.  But you still have to do your part by staying healthy, getting plenty of rest and easting better. You don’t have to totally change your eating habits but make a few adjustments, eat more fruits and vegetables.  You will feel better and have more energy.