If you want to get a lighter complexion use skin lightening home remedies. You can get beautiful and healthy skin by using various ingredients available in your kitchen. You have to make mixtures or pastes using these ingredients and apply on your face regularly for the best results. Unlike the over-the-counter skin whitening products they will not cause any harm to your skin. You need not spend huge amount of money on getting these ingredients too. Apart from skin lightening these skin lightening home remedies are useful for toning the skin and providing various healthy nutrients to make it healthier and glowing.
Nourish your skin on a daily basis to provide it with the nutrients it needs to repair the damaged skin. Blend a small piece of papaya along with a piece of avocado. Strain this fruit blend and apply the juice to your face. Papaya contains certain compounds that promote healing, while avocado contains fatty acids that help to keep your skin soft and moisturized. It is best to apply this tonic before you go to bed and rinse it off in the morning with cold water.
- Lemon is one such fruit whose miraculous effects are still not known. I am sure you won’t believe me if I tell you that lemon can be used for a fair complexion as well. All you need to do is to mix the juice of two lemons in 10 liters of the water with which you bathe. In winters the same remedy can be followed but with warm water. This simple remedy enables the natural elements of lemon juice to open up the closed pores, remove the oil and dirt from them and thus making your skin fairer. Regular use of lemon also helps you to get rid of the body odor and is also helpful in eradicating quite a few skin diseases.
- Soak 60 gms tamarind(whole) in 250 gms water overnight. Then grind it into a fine paste. Rub this paste on the body and leave it for 15 minutes. After that take a bath. This natural remedy can turn a person with dark complexion into a fair one within a few weeks. It also helps in removing black spots on the face or any kind of blemishes and marks.
- Alternatively, you can consume the plain juice of carrots (about a half a glass) on empty stomach in morning and evening for 10-15 days and see the change in the complexion. Carrot juice cleans the impurities of the blood and increases your hemoglobin count as well.