Weight loss is faster when we enjoy good health and a healthy body. This is because our weight-related functions – like appetite, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, and so on – operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of nutrients, like vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. So in a way it’s misleading to single out specific vitamins as being best for weight control. In fact, there are 22 vitamins and minerals that are important for weight management. So it’s more accurate to say that all vitamins contribute to healthy weight.
A good multivitamin is a must for any dieter and can be found anywhere from grocery stores to health food stores. Different formulations are available and should be taken daily. They can be taken with a meal if stomach upset occurs.This will replace any vitamins and minerals that are lost while dieting and should be continued daily well after the diet stops as a normal daily routine.
When you cut your caloric intake, you must make sure you still receive the right amount of vitamins. Follow a diet with foods high in vitamins and take vitamin supplements to make sure you get the enough of all nutrients.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1): Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body to maintain a healthy nervous system and proper muscle functioning. Thiamine also metabolizes starches and carbohydrates in order to help the body to provide energy. Natural sources can be found in beef, legumes, milk, nuts, seeds, wheat, and whole grains. The body requires more thiamine in situations of high stress and it’s supplies can be depleted very quickly, so it’s important to make sure that you’re getting adequate supplies of this essential vitamin.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Riboflavin metabolizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins and it helps the thyroid gland function properly. An improperly functioning thyroid is a reason that many people have trouble losing weight. If you suspect that you may have an issue with your thyroid, it’s suggested that you see a doctor to get a simple blood test to determine if your thyroid is functioning properly. Some natural sources of riboflavin include dairy, meat, and leafy green vegetables.
Niacin (Vitamin B3): Niacin is used by the body to assist in alcohol, carbohydrate and fat metabolism to create energy. Niacin is also necessary to maintain healthy cells in our bodies and is often used in higher doses by doctors to treat conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol. It’s found in almost all B-complex vitamin formulas and in foods like yeasts, milk, eggs, and leafy green vegetables.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6): Vitamin B6 is necessary for the correct function of protein, sugars and fats, all of which aid in proper metabolism operation. While it’s use as a weight loss supplement isn’t exactly clear as it hasn’t been studied for that purpose by the FDA, it’s included in the B-complex vitamin formulations and is essential for day-to-day metabolic function. It can be found naturally in legumes, vegetables, potatoes, milk, cheese, meat and flour.
Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is required to properly form red blood cells, ensure proper neurological function and DNA synthesis. While it can be found in most B-complex formulations, vitamin B12 is readily available in fish, meat and dairy products. Certain studies have seen that it has boosted energy and endurance for certain groups of people, but the scientific community remains divided. Further studies need to be conducted.
Biotin (Vitamin H): Biotin is another water-soluble B vitamin that maintains proper enzyme function. Without it, many enzymes do not work properly and complications involving many organ systems would occur. Biotin also helps maintain steady blood sugar level. This can be very important for dieters as it will prevent the mid-afternoon slumps and discourage snacking.
Mid-afternoon is a time when many dieters experience a drip in blood sugar, which lowers their resistance towards the types of food that they’re avoiding. If they can successfully power through this time of day and avoid the temptations, this will help them stay on the proper weight loss track. Controlling blood sugar through many small meals and perhaps biotin (more research is needed), so that it remains constant, could help tremendously.
Zinc: Zinc can be an effective tool in appetite control as it regulates insulin activity, keeping blood sugar steady rather than up and down, where it will affect appetite and energy level. Zinc works in tandem with vitamins A and E to assist in the manufacturing of the thyroid hormones, which play a crucial part in metabolism, as well as many other bodily processes. It also works with vitamin B6 to produce pancreatic enzymes which help to properly digest food. The more readily food is digested, the more likely the body is to resort to burning excess fat stores for fuel, which may assist with weight loss.
Chromium (III) picolinate: Chromium helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Without it, insulin is less effective at controlling blood sugar levels which means that it’s harder to burn off excess fat stores. It’s being heavily researched as a treatment for depression and as a weight loss tool, but some studies are showing that it’s an effective supplement for helping weight loss. It’s also considered to be somewhat controversial as the the literature appears to need further research.
- Some of these vitamins can be harmful, so even though it is a vitamin on the shelf, be careful. If you have a thyroid problem, see your doctor. Taking Iodine can be extremely harmful especially if you already are taking thyroid medicine.
- Too much of a good thing can be bad as well. Taking excess amounts of certain vitamins can cause health problems as well. Know where to limit foods that can cause excess vitamin intake with certain vitamins. An example of this would be taking vitamins large amounts of Vitamin C will limit the amount of Orange juice you drink.
- Be wary of supplements advertised to aid in weight loss. Check out any new products with your physician before ingesting.