Unfortunately acne is something most people will have to deal with, and while there is a large variety of treatments and programs available that claim to eliminate the problem. It’s common knowledge that oatmeal is healthy for most people when eaten, but the grain can also be beneficial to the skin. Here are some tips about how you can use the simple oatmeal to create effective home remedies for acne. Use whole oats or rolled oats and avoid quick, instant oatmeal.
How To Treat Acne with Oatmeal
- Oatmeal or oatmeal and honey masks are an addition to sensible daily skin care, not a substitute for it. For the best products for daily skin maintenance, check out exposed skin care.
- Make an oatmeal exfoliate. Mix 1/3 cup rolled oats with 1/4 cup organic yogurt. Heat 3 tbsp. natural honey and stir the warm honey into the oats and yogurt. Massage the exfoliate onto your skin and leave it for five to 10 minutes. Repeat once weekly, suggests High on Health.
- If perhaps you would feel inclined to add a third ingredient to the mix and make something of an elixir you can add honey to the mix, seeing as how just like oatmeal and lemon juice it has acne-fighting properties.
- Use oatmeal as a facial scrub to treat your acne. Simply mix uncooked oatmeal with enough warm water until it becomes damp, but not completely soaked. Smooth the oatmeal over your face and scrub with a soft washcloth the same way as you would with any other facial cleanser.
- Tea tree oil is an essential oil with antiseptic properties, and can be added to the mask, or applied in a 5- to 15-percent solution to the face following the mask. Honey, which helps soothe and heal the skin, can also be added to an oatmeal mask.
- The simplest way to use the oatmeal for acne is to simply wet your face (or the affected area) and simply put the oatmeal all over the surface. Then, you should spend approximately 25 to 30 minutes massaging your face, rubbing the oatmeal thoroughly yet gently.
Hope you will like these useful acne treatments. If you want to remove acne spots then click on this related link and follow these tips to successfully remove acne spots.